Over the past two weeks, we have all been amazed by the achievements of our Paralympians in Tokyo. We have been watching in admiration as the athletes, who have undoubtedly faced barriers to sport in their lives, have triumphed and achieved such incredible things.
While we ourselves may not be Olympians, we are so inspired by what is possible when opportunities are available to people with disabilities.
At Sunnybank we really understand how sport, fitness and being active can benefit our mental health, our physical health and foster confidence and self-esteem.
Over the summer months we have been meeting members weekly, and with the support of Surrey Cricket Foundation, have had lots of fun playing cricket. Most recently we have had the opportunity to be taught to play Boccia. Coming together weekly and taking part sports has allowed our members to:
re-connect with friends
build new relationships
learn new skills
increase fitness levels
develop a routine
Here are some photos showing just how joyous being active can be.

Earlier this week, DJ Jon interviewed Abdul from Mencap for our Sunny Sessions radio show. Adbul has mild learning disabilities and works for Mencap as a Sports Trainer and Tutor. Abdul shared his story and his passion for sports, and getting people with learning disabilities involved.
To hear from Abdul, and to find out more about sports inclusion and the barriers that people with learning disabilities often come across, catch up with our Sunny Sessions show here.