Lone working policy
We are committed to the health and safety of all of our staff and volunteers. We recognise that during the course of their role and work, it may be essential for some staff or volunteers to work alone without close or direct supervision. In such circumstances staff members and volunteers may be vulnerable, particularly so when conducting unaccompanied home visits.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, we acknowledge that we have a duty of care to advise and assess risk for workers when they work by themselves.
We are committed to minimising the risk of lone working for staff and volunteers who in turn are expected to follow basic safety procedures as outlined in the guideline below and use their professional judgement at all times.
The Aims of the Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that within The Sunnybank Trust, the necessary systems and working practices are adopted and maintained to provide for the safety of all staff and volunteers undertaking lone working by:
Increasing awareness of safety issues relating to lone working
Ensuring that the risk of lone working is assessed in a systematic way and that safe systems and methods of work are put in place to reduce the risk so far as is reasonably practicable
Ensuring that appropriate guidance is available to all staff and volunteers to equip them to recognise risk and to provide practical advice on safety when working alone
Encouraging full reporting and recording of all adverse incidents relating to lone working
Reducing the number of incidents and injuries to staff related to lone working
2. Responsibilities
The Trustee Board is responsible for;
Ensuring that there are arrangements for identifying, evaluating and managing risk associated with lone working
Providing resources for putting the policy into practice
Ensuring that there are arrangements for monitoring incidents linked to lone working and that the effectiveness of this policy is regularly reviewed.
The Management Team is responsible for;
Ensuring that all staff and volunteers are aware of the lone working policy
Identifying situations where lone working of necessity occurs.
Undertaking regular risk assessments
Reducing risk by advising on safe practices and procedures for lone working
Ensuring that staff and volunteers identified as being at risk are given relevant advice and guidance, including at induction
Managing an effective system of reporting, investigating and recording incidents
Ensuring that appropriate support is given to staff involved in any incident
All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to ensure that they follow relevant lone working procedures and do not knowingly put themselves at risk of harm in the course of their duties by;
Taking reasonable care of themselves and others affected by their actions
Following guidance and procedures designed for safe working
Reporting all incidents that may affect the health and safety of themselves or others and asking for guidance as appropriate
Taking part in training designed to meet the requirements of this policy
Reporting any dangers or potential dangers they identify or any concerns they might have in respect of working alone.
3. Procedures
All staff are required to share their diary of visits via Lamplight, One Drive or email in advance.
In case of an emergency, staff are required to contact the central office or the CEO mobile number which is staffed at all times.
If there is an emergency, the staff member responsible for the emergency phone should -
Where appropriate contact the next of kin
Contact the emergency services where required
Notify the CEO and ensure all details are logged on the incident form.
When visiting a home for the first time, all staff are to complete a Sunnybank risk assessment as well as familiarise themselves with the relevant care providers risk assessment.
All volunteers are required to notify a responsible person in advance of a visit. All contact details should be left as well as the start and end time of their visit. Where practical, volunteers may share the dates of their visits with the appropriate Sunnybank manager in advance.
Where appropriate, volunteers and staff should activate their location apps on their mobile phones in advance of a visit.
In case of an emergency, volunteers are required to contact the central office or the emergency mobile number which is staffed at all times.
If there is an emergency, the staff member responsible for the emergency phone should -
Where appropriate contact the next of kin
Contact the emergency services where required
Notify the CEO and ensure all details are logged on the incident form.
When visiting a home for the first time, all volunteers will be accompanied by the relevant member of staff/manager to assess the risks and familiarise themselves with the relevant care providers risk assessment.
4. Check List for staff and volunteers engaged in Lone Working
Are you medically fit and able to work alone?
Do you have adequate channels of communication in an emergency?
Are there any special risks attached to performing a task as a lone worker at a location either within or external to Sunnybank Trust premises?
Is there a risk of violence?
Are women especially at risk if they work alone?
Is there a known risk attached to a client(s)?
Has an alternative to a home visit been considered?
Has safe travelling between appointments been arranged?
Have reporting and recording arrangements been made where appropriate?
Can the whereabouts of the lone worker be traced?
5. Good Practice for Lone Workers
During their working hours, all staff or volunteers leaving their base or home should leave details of where they are going, the nature of their visit and their estimated time of return with a responsible person.
Should their plans change significantly, this should be communicated to the person holding the details of their itinerary for the day.
All first interviews conducted external to The Sunnybank Trust’s office premises should where possible be undertaken with two staff members or volunteers or in a public location.
Lone workers should always carry an official Sunnybank Trust identity card (with photograph)
Note useful tips on personal safety can be found by downloading guidance sheets produced by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust from www.suzylamplugh.org.uk
HSE guidance for Loneworkers: Lone workers (hse.gov.uk)
Appendix 1. Annual Risk Assessment
Please ensure the following details are complete and accurate. To be completed with the Manager or Deputy home manager or an appropriate adult if in independent living.
Once completed, please store in a secure place and send a copy to the Sunnybank manager.
Name: _______________________ Date of birth: _________
I understand the above risk assessment and will comply with the recommended measures as advised by the care provider.
Signed: __________________________________________On behalf of The Sunnybank Trust
Date: ___________________
I confirm that the details above are correct
Signed: ______________________________________Home Manager/Deputy Manager
Date: ____________________
Appendix 2: Check List and Additional Risk Assessment
Please complete the following two-part form before each trip out with your advocate/friend. Please keep this form in a secure place and have available for your service manager when necessary.
1. 1. Volunteer Check List – for your personal safety.
Before any trips out with your service user, please ensure that you have a mobile phone and are in good health for the visit.
1.2: Update to Sunnybank Annual Risk Assessment
To be completed at each subsequent visit. Please ensure that the initial Sunnybank risk assessment has already been completed in conjunction with the home manager at a previous meeting/date.
I accept to follow the guidelines as advised by the home manager or deputy. I understand this information will comply with the data protection act and remain with the care provider, I will not copy any part of the information but will be able to view the information when deemed necessary.
Signed: ___________________________________on behalf of The Sunnybank Trust
Date: __________________
Signed: ____________________________________________On behalf of the Care Provider
Date: ___________________