Complaints policy
We take complaints about our staff, our work and levels of service very seriously.
a. If a complaint is raised the following procedures will be followed:
All complaints will be logged in the first instance with the relevant Sunnybank manager of the service in question.
All complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 2 days of receipt.
If the complaint is about the manager themselves, then the complaint will be logged with the Chief Executive.
If the complaint is about the Chief Executive, the complaint will be logged with the Chair of the Trustee Board.
b. All complaints may be made:
In writing – a letter, e-mail
Verbally – over the phone or in person
c. All complaints, including those received verbally will be recorded on the Sunnybank Complaints log.
Stage 1 – Informal Investigation
The Manager will talk to the complainant to determine if there is a simple solution to the complaint without a formal investigation taking place.
The Manager may talk to other people to gather information.
In normal circumstances this should take less than 14 days to complete.
If results of Stage 1 are unsatisfactory to the complainant, Stage 2 will be implemented.
2. Stage 2 – Formal Investigation
The Manager will undertake an exhaustive formal investigation to ascertain all the facts.
The Manager will meet with the complainant to ensure we have all the details of the case.
The Manager will meet with the Chief Executive to resolve the complaint.
In normal circumstances this should take less than 28 days to complete.
If the results of Stage 2 are unsatisfactory to the complainant, Stage 3 will be implemented.
​ 3. Stage 3 – Trustees Investigation
The complaint should be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Board of Trustees by the complainant within 14 days of the end of Stage 2.
The Chair of The Sunnybank Trust will convene a meeting with the complainant to consider their complaint.
The meeting will be conducted within a formal structure and a formal resolution to the complaint will be reached.
There will be no discrimination against anyone who makes a complaint. Sunnybank services will not be withdrawn.
If by using the complaints procedure, the Sunnybank Trust is found to be in the wrong, it will apologise and review how best to rectify the situation to ensure no repetition of the circumstances which caused the complaint to arise.
Following review and investigation, regardless of fault, we will endeavour to identify any areas of learning from the incident that will enhance the work by all charity volunteers and staff.