Blog by Dorothy Watson, CEO
“To forget how to dig the earth and tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” Mahatma Gandhi.
It all started a year ago when our Choices Manager, Lesley Scott, said the words “what we need is an allotment”. My reply was a short one, “great idea, perhaps in a year or two”. Little did I know that within the week, Lesley’s words would yield the wonderful offer of an allotment right on our doorstep.
A year later and we have planted tomatoes, runner beans, peas, herbs, some flowers and a blackberry bush. With the help of our wonderful allotment team, we have a plot of land that is growing young plants with two near-complete raised beds and a covered space to offer protection from the sun and rain and to chat with friends.
Our allotment is a wonderful place and is a place that is growing plants, friendships and confidence. It gives each of us a sense of space from the chaos known as our world. To get to this point, there has been much loss and grief along the way. The tragic death of Lara, the partner to our Sunny Sessions Coordinator, Jon, whose memorial fund made the allotment work possible and the many Sunnybank friends who left us far too soon in this pandemic.
We will keep them in our hearts as we dig the soil and plant. We will keep their laughter with us as we begin to pick the fruits and vegetables. We will cherish their memories as we share our stories as we sit back and enjoy our lovely plot.
If you would like to get involved, please do get in touch and come visit the plot….it certainly grows on you!